Thank You Jnr 3 & 4!

Dear parents,

I would like to thank you all for this magnificent year, for trusting your children in my hands and for always being supportive and cooperative. I also would like to thank all of you for the lovely gifts and cards given throughout this whole week, I appreciated each and every one of them 🙂

I would also need to thank my LSEs and helper, for all their hard work, love and care for both the students and myself as we would not have done it without them!!

Have a lovely summer and enjoy your holidays ‘my children’. Will see you all next scholastic year 🙂

Kind regards,


Last Day of School Jnr 3B

Dear parents,

Firstly I would like to thank all of you for the wonderful thoughts (which made my eyes watery) and your lovely gifts. Also, for your patience, understanding, cooperation, care, love and continuous support throughout this year. We (Ms.Niaomi, Ms.Anna, Ms.Michelle and myself) would not have done it without you 🙂

Just to remind you tomorrow is the last day of this scholastic year. We still do not have all the information ourselves, and I will post again as soon as I have. For now please note that children are to come in their casual clothes, they are to get normal lunch and bottle, and I also gave them permission to get any board game they want.

Another post will follow later with any additional information. Thank you in advance 🙂

Kind regards,



All students have been informed to bring their normal lunch and water for the day in a small bag. All students will be requested to carry with them their bag with lunch/water bottle as they go around the different stations. No student will be allowed to go in the classroom throughout the day to bring it. Only Junior 3 to Junior 6 students will have the option of buying food/drinks from the vans. Also note that on the day most of the car park will be closed due to the works in the ground. No parents will be allowed to use it as a drop off zone.

Thanks again 🙂


Learning about our students!

Dear Parent/s and Students,
Good afternoon.  I trust that you are well although the end of the year brings with it the fatigue of exams or assessment times (for the older students) and the simple fatigue of the end of the year and the heat that starts visiting us.
We are currently mulling over the theme for next year (as you are aware, we choose a Theme which governs the life of the School over the academic year) and to this effect, we require the help of the students (and in the case of the younger students, that of the Parents).
We have a project in mind but for this to materialise, we need EVERY student at our School to prepare a presentation on himself/herself.  This presentation can be a short video clip, a story, a paragaph with images etc. It should include elements such as basic information like age, class, name and surname and family composition.  But the focus should be on talents, fears and joys, dreams and hopes – essentially, what makes that person unique.  So fundamentally, this would be a presentation with the focus on “Who am I?”
We want to get to know our students more intimately (in as much as they want to divulge obviously) because this will help us in the planning of our year with them.
So we would appreciate it if you (as a student, or with the parents’ help if the child is young or cannot work on it on his/her own) would work on it and send us this clip, story, paragraph etc by not later than the 15th July. Kindly send this via email to me on and to Mr. Brian on with a subject caption of the email saying “Presentation of  ……. (name and surname of child and class next year)”.
We look forward to receiving your email!
Ms.Sue Midolo & Mr. Brian Gauci

Water Games

Dear All,

Following on from the changes to the water games next week, as you are all aware there is a delay in having the pools ready for this end of year activity. The groundworks have started outside and therefore not all of ground space is available. However, Ms Antonia has kindly come forward to suggest that her PE lessons will be water games. Kindly refer to the following plan;

  1. Friday 22nd June – Junior 6’s will have 5th lesson (Ms Juniper to bring J6A down and help Ms Antonia) as water games, whilst
  2. Tuesday 26th June – All J4, J5’s P.E lessons will be water games on the same day, and J3B (Ms Natalie) to join J3A 6th lesson.


Therefore, students (parents) will be informed that students are to come to School on their respective day wearing their P.E kit and runners.

They are to bring with them; a pair of sandals/trainers (for the games), their dry summer uniform and a small towel in a bag.

After the games, students will change into their dry normal summer uniform before going home.

Georgina Fardoe, BSc(Hons), MSc.(Psychology, Chester)
Activities & Events Co-ordinator – Junior School

Graduation Ceremony Jnr 3

Dear parents,

A simple reminder about next Monday 25th June 2018 at 08.30am the Jnr3’s have their Graduation Ceremony. Children are to come in their uniform please (not P.E. shirt) and children can go home with their parents straight after the ceremony. Also, note that any siblings cannot be picked up before 13.30/13.40.

Looking forward to see you all there and thank you for your support throughout this year 🙂

Kind regards,


Short Week

Dear Parents,
Good afternoon.  This is a reminder about the School Holiday which will take place on Friday 8th June (as per email sent to you on the 7th March 2018: 

“Following the announcement of the Hon. Minister of Education that an additional holiday will be given to school teachers and staff complement on the 5th April, SCHS has decided to give this 
day off on Friday 8th June instead so that advance notice is given to all the parents to make the necessary arrangements for their children.
We thank you for your co-operation.”
Thus, students will return to School on Monday 11th June (since Thursday 7th June is a Public Holiday).
Best regards,
Ms. Sue Midolo
Head of School

Library Jnr 3B

Dear parents,

Kindly note that Ms. Emiliette has advised the children to bring any library books they have at home back to school by Wednesday 30/05/2018 even though stated otherwise previously.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Kind regards,
